I use AlMg5 for all of my aluminium rings. you can find the details in this list.

Ring sizes
I will give you exact measurements.
Digital callipers are used on CLOSED rings. (thats an 18SWG ring ID 13,20mm in the picture)
So the sizes and ARs stated, are what you will get.
I will usually sell in 30 gram units (thats just above 1 ounce). Measuring is done by weight.
With very small or tiny rings, i will give you a 15 gram option, so you dont end up with a stupid amount of rings you don´t need or want.
Every ringsize will state the estimate rings per 30g/15g accordingly..... I will always add a couple of extra rings ;)

Offcuts and brown bits...
Sometimes you may find bits of cut rings. These offcuts occure at the start and end of each coil.
The "brown bits" are walnut shells. The media i am tumbling my rings with.
I do apologize if you find things like that in your order. I sort through every batch by hand and i do miss some things sometimes.
Ring catalouge
A special feature in my shop:
Sample sheets of all my ring sizes in a given gauge. Get yourself a page to get a feel for the ring sizes i have to offer :)